A reality show in which a group of contestants, known as HouseGuests, are sequestered in the Big Brother House, under constant surveillance of cameras and microphones, for the chance to win a grand prize of $100,000 by being the last remaining HouseGuest. Each week, contestants vote to evict one of their own until only two remain on finale night.
Hosted by Arisa Cox, who also serves as one of the show’s executive producers, Canada’s iconic reality show airs on Global three nights a week including Mondays (Head of Household), Wednesdays (Power of Veto), and Thursdays (Eviction). #BBCAN10 streamers can catch the new season live or on demand with the Global TV App and visit BigBrotherCanada.ca for the ultimate fan experience with exclusive content and free live feeds to watch every strategic move and plot twist unfold inside the house.
Saturday October 5 th @ 3:37 AM - ep 1003
Saturday October 5 th @ 4:00 AM - ep 1003